Obama Isn't Working

This is not an endoresement for Mitt Romney. In fact, I beleive that any candidate other than Obama would be a better choice than Obama. Obama is so far left of any president that we have ever had, I beleive that anyone with good intentions who loves this country would have better credentials to lead America than he does.

I have to admit, though, that I like Mitt Romeny's ads. It is important to remind Americans what Obama promised just a few years ago, how he failed to deliver on those promises, and how much worse off we are now than when he too office. That is why I am putting Mitt Romney's ads on my blog.

Remember Jerimiah Wright?

The issue has faded, but I think it`s worth reminding people about the relationship of Obama to Jerimiah Wright. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia about Obama`s relationship with Wright:

Barack Obama first met Wright in the late 1980s, while he was working as a community organizer in Chicago before attending Harvard Law School. Wright officiated at the wedding ceremony of Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as their children's baptisms.

The title of Obama's 2006 memoir, The Audacity of Hope, was inspired by one of Wright's sermons, which was also a theme of Obama's 2004 keynote address to the Democratic National Convention. Wright was scheduled to give the public invocation before Obama's presidential announcement, but Obama withdrew the invitation the night before the event. Wright wrote a rebuttal letter to the editor disputing the characterization of the account as reported in an article in The New York Times.

In 2007, Wright was appointed to Barack Obama's African American Religious Leadership Committee, a group of over 170 national black religious leaders who supported Obama's bid for the Democratic nomination. However, it was announced in March 2008 that Wright was no longer serving as a member of this group.

On May 31, 2008, Barack and Michelle Obama announced that they had withdrawn their membership in Trinity United Church of Christ stating that "Our relations with Trinity have been strained by the divisive statements of Reverend Wright, which sharply conflict with our own views".

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_Wright_controversy

Now, here is an except from a sermon given by the person who baptized Obama`s daughters, officiated his wedding, inspired his books, and who was a close associated for over 20 years.

And here is Obama praising Wright in a 1995 interview.

Michelle Obama Booed at NASCAR Event

Michelle Obama is booed while one of our vets receives resounding applause.

Let's hear it for out vets!

Obama and Israel's 1967 Borders

Barack Obama has stated that his insistance on Israel's return to the 1967 borders reflects a long-standing US policy. Well, this was definitely NOT the policy of the United States, at least up until 1989. Here is an excerpt of one of Ronald Reagan's speeches on Israel:

Israel exists; it has a right to exist in peace behind secure and defensible borders; and it has a right to demand of its neighbors that they recognize those facts. I have personally followed and supported Israel's heroic struggle for survival, ever since the founding of the State of Israel 34 years ago. In the pre-1967 borders Israel was barely 10 miles wide at its narrowest point. The bulk of Israel's population lived within artillery range of hostile Arab armies. I am not about to ask Israel to live that way again.3

Source: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/presquote.html#reagan

We will not fall for the lies.

Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street

The vast majority of Occurpy Wall St. protesters voted for Barack Obama. Now that his failed economic policies have lead the country into the abyss of prolonged, sustained high unemployment, the so-called occupiers are protesting the very conditions that their candidate created...and blaming it on Wall St.

What exactly is this movement about? The numbers speak for themselves.

According to Pundit Press, the Occupy Wall Street protests have been a hotbed of criminal activity.

-2 murders
-more than 10 rapes
-4,000 arrests
-500+ incidents of theft

And the rap sheet goes on.

Even a cursory look at the website of this so-called movement reveals the familiar terminology and symbolism of the left. Note the clenched fist typically associated with socialist or communist organizations and the buzz words such as "resistance movement", "redistribution of wealth" and "world revolution".

This "movement" desires to halt the financial engine that has given these protesters the confortable lifestyles that they would surely never give up. They compare themslves and admit that they take their queue from the so-called "Arab Spring", the same one that has given rise to Sharia Law in Libya and that has led to the massacre of Coptic Christiansin Egypt.

Here is Obama voicing his support for this "movement".

The Dangers of a Nuclear Iran

Barack Obama is pursing a foreign policy that is hostile to the interests of Israel and of the United States.

Anyone who doubts this needs only to read the comments of Obama and French president Sarkozy that were overheard by the media.

Of course free speech should be allowed and of course we, as Americans, are allowed to think and say what we want about world leaders. The difference here is that Obama's personal hostility towards Netanyau is what is determining US foreign policy. This foreign policy is, without question, making the world a more dangerous place.

Read about the nuclear threat in Iran.

Why We Need A Republican President

Listen to what Jimmy Carter is saying. Do you hear echos of the teleprompter in chief?