Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street

The vast majority of Occurpy Wall St. protesters voted for Barack Obama. Now that his failed economic policies have lead the country into the abyss of prolonged, sustained high unemployment, the so-called occupiers are protesting the very conditions that their candidate created...and blaming it on Wall St.

What exactly is this movement about? The numbers speak for themselves.

According to Pundit Press, the Occupy Wall Street protests have been a hotbed of criminal activity.

-2 murders
-more than 10 rapes
-4,000 arrests
-500+ incidents of theft

And the rap sheet goes on.

Even a cursory look at the website of this so-called movement reveals the familiar terminology and symbolism of the left. Note the clenched fist typically associated with socialist or communist organizations and the buzz words such as "resistance movement", "redistribution of wealth" and "world revolution".

This "movement" desires to halt the financial engine that has given these protesters the confortable lifestyles that they would surely never give up. They compare themslves and admit that they take their queue from the so-called "Arab Spring", the same one that has given rise to Sharia Law in Libya and that has led to the massacre of Coptic Christiansin Egypt.

Here is Obama voicing his support for this "movement".