Obama Slaps Britain in the Face

Remember Sir Winston Churchill? You know, the British Prime Minister who courageously helped lead Britain and the western allies to victory against Hitler in World War II? This is the same Churchill who was made an honorary United States citizen in 1963. He was, in fact, one of only 7 people in history to ever receive the honor.

Well, a bust of the great PM was lent to the United States and was proudly displayed in White House by President Bush as a symbol of the special relationship between the two countries. Well, Obama rejected it and as of 2009, the statue was on display at the residence of the British embassador according to this article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/4623148/Barack-Obama-sends-bust-of-Winston-Churchill-on-its-way-back-to-Britain.html.
We can add Britain to the list of US allies, such as Israel, Egypt and now Iraq with the troop withdrawal, that Obama has treated shabbily.